Top 5 Reasons to move from QuickBooks

Are you using small business solutions for your large business operations. We all grow up sooner or later, in some ways, but the toys of our past youth are simplistic compared to real life business needs. If the child in the picture grows up to be a truck driver, then he is going to have to learn more complex systems to operate the truck.

QuickBooks (QB) has long been a go-to accounting software for many small businesses. However, as companies grow and evolve, they often find themselves facing limitations that QuickBooks can’t address effectively. In this article, we’ll explore the TOP 5 compelling reasons why businesses should consider migrating from QuickBooks to Sage Intacct, a robust cloud-based financial management solution.

1) Reporting Excellence: QuickBooks provides basic reporting tools, but it lacks the depth and flexibility needed for in-depth financial analysis. Sage Intacct, on the other hand, offers advanced reporting capabilities, allowing you to create custom reports tailored to your specific business needs. You can analyze data by dimensions such as department, location, project, or customer. This flexibility enables you to gain valuable insights into the financial health of your organization, track key performance indicators, and make data-driven decisions.

Let’s explore some examples of the differences in reports between QuickBooks and Sage Intacct to highlight how Sage Intacct provides more advanced and customizable reporting capabilities:

  • Customized Income Statements: In QuickBooks, you can generate standard income statements that display basic financial information. However, Sage Intacct allows you to create customized income statements with a range of dimensions. For instance, you can easily break down your income by product lines, departments, or locations. This level of customization provides a more granular view of your revenue sources and helps in identifying profitability across different aspects of your business.
    • Multi-Entity Consolidated Balance Sheets: QuickBooks offers basic balance sheets for individual entities. In contrast, Sage Intacct enables you to create consolidated balance sheets that aggregate financial data from multiple entities. This is especially useful for organizations with subsidiaries or multiple business units, as it offers a clear picture of the overall financial health of the entire organization.
    • Cash Flow Statements with Forecasting: Sage Intacct goes beyond QuickBooks by providing advanced cash flow reporting. You can create cash flow statements with forecasting capabilities, allowing you to project your future cash positions based on historical data and anticipated changes in revenue and expenses. This helps businesses proactively manage cash flow and make informed financial decisions.
    • Customizable Dashboards: Sage Intacct offers customizable dashboards that give you a real-time snapshot of your financial performance. You can design dashboards that display key performance indicators, graphical representations of financial data, and other metrics relevant to your business. QuickBooks, in contrast, provides limited dashboard customization, primarily focused on basic financial data.
    • Variance Reports for Budgeting: Sage Intacct excels in budgeting and forecasting by offering detailed variance reports. These reports compare actual financial results with budgeted figures, highlighting discrepancies and helping you understand where your business may be over or underperforming. This feature is valuable for maintaining control over your finances and making adjustments as needed. QuickBooks offers budgeting capabilities but may lack the advanced reporting required for in-depth analysis of budget variances.
    • Project Profitability Reports: Sage Intacct is particularly well-suited for organizations with project-based revenue streams. It allows you to generate reports that break down profitability by project, including costs, revenue, and margins. QuickBooks may not provide such specialized project profitability reporting.
    • Historical Financial Trend Analysis: Sage Intacct provides historical trend analysis reports that help you track financial performance over time. You can compare current financial data to past periods, enabling you to identify trends and make more informed decisions. QuickBooks offers historical data but may not provide the same level of trend analysis tools.

These examples illustrate how Sage Intacct offers a more robust reporting system compared to QuickBooks, allowing businesses to gain deeper insights into their financial data, improve decision-making, and meet the specific reporting needs of their organization.

2) Data Insight and Efficiency: QuickBooks can be cumbersome when dealing with multiple entities, often requiring manual workarounds with spreadsheets. Sage Intacct is purpose-built for multi-entity management, making it easier to consolidate financial data and automate inter-entity transactions. This not only saves time but also reduces the risk of errors associated with manual data entry. With Sage Intacct, you can efficiently manage the financial operations of multiple entities, streamlining your processes and improving overall efficiency.

let’s delve into examples of the differences in data insights and efficiency between QuickBooks and Sage Intacct:

  • Multi-Entity Management: QuickBooks can become cumbersome when managing multiple entities, as it lacks native support for inter-entity transactions and reporting. In contrast, Sage Intacct is purpose-built for multi-entity organizations, streamlining financial operations across subsidiaries, divisions, or locations. This efficiency saves time by automating processes like inter-company transactions and reducing the need for manual data entry and reconciliation.
    • Inter-Entity Transactions: QuickBooks often requires manual workarounds to handle inter-entity transactions, involving duplicate entries and complex reconciliations. Sage Intacct simplifies this process by allowing for seamless inter-entity transactions, which not only reduces errors but also improves efficiency by eliminating redundant data entry.
    • Automated Workflow Approvals: Sage Intacct offers advanced workflow automation, allowing for the creation of approval processes for financial transactions. For example, you can set up automated approval workflows for expense reports, purchase requisitions, or vendor invoices. QuickBooks typically lacks these sophisticated automation features, which can lead to slower processing times and a higher risk of errors.
    • Bank Reconciliation and Integration: Sage Intacct provides seamless integration with bank feeds, making it easier to reconcile financial transactions. The system can automatically match imported bank transactions with your accounting records, reducing the time spent on manual reconciliation. While QuickBooks offers bank integration, Sage Intacct’s capabilities are known for their efficiency and accuracy.
    • Real-time Data Access: Sage Intacct offers real-time data access from anywhere with an internet connection. This is particularly useful for remote work, as it allows team members to access financial data, enter transactions, and collaborate in real time. QuickBooks might require local installations and manual data synchronization, which can lead to inefficiencies, especially in a distributed work environment.
    • Customizable Workspaces: Sage Intacct allows users to create customized workspaces with easy access to the data and features they need. For example, an accounts payable team can have a workspace tailored to their specific tasks, while the finance team can have a separate workspace with relevant data and reports. QuickBooks may have limited options for customizing user interfaces and data access, potentially leading to a less efficient workflow for different departments within the organization.
    • Scalability and Performance: Sage Intacct is designed to handle the financial needs of growing organizations. As your business expands, Sage Intacct can efficiently scale with you, ensuring that performance remains consistent. QuickBooks might struggle to maintain performance and efficiency as your business grows and data volume increases.

In summary, Sage Intacct’s efficiency and data insight capabilities outshine QuickBooks, especially for businesses with multiple entities, complex workflows, and a need for real-time access to financial data. By automating processes, streamlining multi-entity management, and offering advanced features, Sage Intacct helps organizations save time, reduce errors, and gain valuable insights into their financial operations.

3) Consolidated Reporting Made Easy: QuickBooks can struggle when it comes to consolidated financial reporting. Sage Intacct simplifies this process by allowing you to create consolidated financial statements across multiple entities with ease. You can gain a comprehensive view of your entire organization’s financial performance, which is crucial for making strategic decisions, securing financing, and meeting regulatory reporting requirements.

let’s explore examples of the differences in consolidated reporting capabilities between QuickBooks and Sage Intacct:

  • Multi-Entity Consolidation: QuickBooks typically lacks native support for comprehensive multi-entity consolidation. In contrast, Sage Intacct offers robust tools for consolidating financial data across multiple entities or subsidiaries, providing a holistic view of the organization’s financial performance. This capability is particularly valuable for businesses with complex structures and a need for consolidated financial statements.
    • Automated Inter-Entity Transactions: Sage Intacct streamlines inter-entity transactions by automating the process. It can automatically recognize and reconcile transactions between different entities, reducing the need for manual adjustments and entries. QuickBooks may require manual workarounds and duplicate entries, which can be time-consuming and error-prone.
    • Intercompany Eliminations: Sage Intacct enables automatic intercompany eliminations when consolidating financial statements. It recognizes and eliminates duplicate transactions between entities, ensuring that the consolidated reports accurately represent the organization’s financial position. QuickBooks typically lacks the automated intercompany elimination process.
    • Customizable Consolidated Reporting: Sage Intacct offers flexibility in creating customized consolidated financial reports. You can tailor these reports to include specific entities, dimensions, and accounts relevant to your business’s needs. QuickBooks may have limited options for creating customized consolidated reports.
    • Consolidated Balance Sheets and Income Statements: Sage Intacct allows you to generate consolidated balance sheets and income statements that present the financial data for multiple entities in a single report. This makes it easier to analyze the overall financial health of the organization, identify trends, and make strategic decisions. QuickBooks provides these reports for individual entities but may lack the ability to consolidate them seamlessly.
    • Automatic Currency Conversion: Sage Intacct can handle multi-currency consolidation effortlessly. It automatically converts foreign currencies into a common reporting currency, ensuring that consolidated financial reports accurately represent the financial position of the organization. QuickBooks might require manual currency conversion and consolidation, which can be time-consuming and prone to errors.
    • Audit Trail for Consolidated Data: Sage Intacct maintains a detailed audit trail for consolidated data, allowing you to track changes and modifications made during the consolidation process. This level of transparency and accountability is crucial for businesses, especially those subject to regulatory compliance. QuickBooks may not offer the same level of audit trail functionality for consolidated data.

In summary, Sage Intacct’s consolidated reporting capabilities surpass those of QuickBooks, particularly for organizations with complex structures, multiple entities, and the need for accurate and customizable consolidated financial statements. By automating consolidation processes, enabling intercompany eliminations, and offering flexibility in reporting, Sage Intacct provides businesses with a powerful tool to gain insights into their overall financial performance.

4) Enhanced Security and Compliance: Security and compliance are critical for any business. QuickBooks offers user permissions, but it lacks the granularity and control necessary to safeguard sensitive financial data. Sage Intacct provides advanced user-level security permissions, ensuring that only authorized personnel can access and modify specific financial information. Additionally, Sage Intacct offers robust audit trail capabilities, allowing you to track all changes to financial data for compliance and accountability purposes. This level of security and transparency is especially valuable for businesses in regulated industries.

let’s explore examples of the differences in security and compliance features between QuickBooks and Sage Intacct:

  • User Permissions and Access Control: QuickBooks provides basic user permissions that grant access to different areas of the software, but it may lack the granularity necessary to restrict users from specific actions. Sage Intacct offers more robust access control, allowing administrators to define precise permissions for users. This enhanced security feature helps prevent unauthorized access to sensitive financial data.
    • Audit Trail and Compliance Reporting: Sage Intacct includes comprehensive audit trail functionality that records all changes made to financial data. This feature is vital for compliance with regulatory requirements and internal auditing. QuickBooks, while providing an audit trail, may not offer the same level of detail and customization in its audit logs.
    • Compliance with Accounting Standards: Sage Intacct is designed to support Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) compliance. It offers built-in features and templates that ensure financial data is recorded and reported according to accounting standards. QuickBooks, on the other hand, may require manual adjustments and additional steps to achieve GAAP compliance, making it less suitable for organizations that must adhere to these standards.
    • Data Encryption and Security Measures: Sage Intacct provides robust data encryption and security measures to protect financial data. This includes data at rest and in transit encryption, ensuring that sensitive information is safeguarded against unauthorized access. QuickBooks offers encryption but may not provide the same level of security features.
    • Role-Based Access Control: Sage Intacct allows for role-based access control, where specific permissions are assigned based on job roles. This helps organizations align access with job responsibilities, reducing the risk of data breaches or errors. QuickBooks may have limitations in role-based access control.
    • Compliance Reporting Templates: Sage Intacct offers compliance reporting templates that facilitate the preparation of regulatory reports. This is particularly valuable for organizations subject to industry-specific compliance requirements. QuickBooks may not have the same level of pre-built templates, requiring businesses to create customized reports.
    • SOC 2 Compliance: Sage Intacct has achieved SOC 2 compliance, which attests to the software’s ability to meet stringent security and data protection standards. QuickBooks may not provide the same level of certification, potentially raising concerns for businesses with stringent security requirements.
    • Data Retention Policies: Sage Intacct allows organizations to define data retention policies, ensuring that data is stored and deleted in compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. QuickBooks may offer basic data retention features but may not provide the same level of customization and control.

In summary, Sage Intacct’s security and compliance features provide organizations with a more comprehensive and tailored approach to safeguarding financial data and meeting regulatory requirements. These features include advanced user permissions, audit trail capabilities, GAAP compliance support, and robust data encryption, making Sage Intacct a preferred choice for businesses that prioritize security and compliance.

5) Time Savings and GAAP Compliance: QuickBooks may fall short of GAAP compliance, which can be problematic for businesses that need to adhere to industry-standard accounting principles. Sage Intacct is designed to support GAAP compliance, ensuring that your financial records are accurate and in accordance with industry regulations. By automating processes and providing standardized templates for financial transactions, Sage Intacct not only saves time but also reduces the risk of errors and non-compliance, ultimately leading to greater financial accuracy and transparency.

let’s explore examples of the differences in time savings and GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) compliance between QuickBooks and Sage Intacct:

Time Savings:

  • Automation of Routine Tasks: Sage Intacct offers automation features that can significantly reduce the time spent on routine accounting tasks. For example, it can automate transaction categorization, bank reconciliation, and invoice processing. QuickBooks, while providing some automation, may not be as comprehensive in its coverage, leading to more manual data entry and reconciliation.
    • Inter-Entity Transaction Processing: Sage Intacct streamlines inter-entity transactions, automating the process of transferring funds and reconciling accounts across multiple entities. In QuickBooks, handling such transactions often requires manual workarounds, leading to time-consuming processes and increased room for error.
    • Real-Time Data Access: Sage Intacct’s cloud-based platform allows for real-time data access from anywhere with an internet connection. This feature is especially useful for remote work, as it enables team members to access financial data instantly, enter transactions, and collaborate efficiently. QuickBooks may require local installations and manual data synchronization, leading to potential delays and inefficiencies.
    • Streamlined Reporting and Dashboards: Sage Intacct’s customizable dashboards and reporting tools allow users to quickly access the data they need without navigating through complex menus. QuickBooks, while offering reporting capabilities, may not provide the same level of flexibility in creating custom dashboards or reports, potentially requiring more time to find and analyze data.

GAAP Compliance:

  • GAAP-Compliant Financial Templates: Sage Intacct provides pre-built financial templates that are designed to adhere to GAAP standards. These templates help ensure that financial statements, such as balance sheets and income statements, are automatically structured in accordance with GAAP requirements. QuickBooks may require manual adjustments and additional steps to achieve GAAP compliance.
    • Customizable GAAP Reporting: Sage Intacct allows for customized GAAP reporting that can be tailored to an organization’s specific needs. This is essential for businesses with unique accounting requirements while still needing to comply with GAAP standards. QuickBooks, while offering GAAP-compliant reporting, may not provide the same level of customization options.
    • Audit Trail for GAAP Compliance: Sage Intacct’s audit trail features are useful for maintaining GAAP compliance. Detailed audit logs and the ability to track changes to financial data help organizations demonstrate accountability and adherence to GAAP standards. QuickBooks provides audit trail features, but Sage Intacct’s audit trail capabilities are known for their comprehensiveness.
    • GAAP-Compliant Revenue Recognition: Sage Intacct supports revenue recognition in compliance with ASC 606, a critical aspect of GAAP. It allows for the automated recognition of revenue over time or at a point in time, ensuring businesses adhere to GAAP standards in their financial reporting. QuickBooks may require manual adjustments for revenue recognition compliance.

Sage Intacct offers several time-saving features, including automation, real-time data access, and streamlined reporting, to expedite financial processes. It also excels in providing GAAP-compliant financial templates, customizable reporting, and audit trail features to ensure organizations meet accounting standards, making it a valuable solution for businesses that need to save time and maintain GAAP compliance.

In summary, migrating from QuickBooks to Sage Intacct offers businesses a comprehensive and scalable financial management solution. With advanced reporting, data insight, consolidated reporting, enhanced security, and GAAP compliance features, Sage Intacct empowers organizations to make better financial decisions, streamline their operations, and maintain data integrity and regulatory compliance. As businesses grow and evolve, making the switch to Sage Intacct can help them stay competitive and efficient in today’s dynamic business landscape.