The Accounting Data Power Tool

Get out of data entry, and back into accounting.

KnowLedger™ is intelligent middleware automation for ledger entry of brokerage accounts, managed accounts, and/or cash accounts that gives much-needed bandwidth back to your accounting team.

KnowLedger™ has helped to free up our accountants who now can focus on reviewing the data and making decisions.

Phil Smith | GCI

KnowLedger™ is ideal if you…

Firms want solutions that free up their resources to focus on their core business, not wrangling data.

Ryan Kerry | Founder | KnowLedger™

Benefits to TAX Processing

We automate the posting of key tax information directly to your general ledger including 1099 and brokerage statement transactions (other details – alternatives?) so you can quickly access and substantiate those details for your clients’ tax returns. Specific benefits of this efficient process are:

Benefits to Your REPORTING

By automating the posting of transactions and key investment information, you could provide constructive analysis to your clients by helping them make more timely and informed decisions. You will better be able to offer detailed reporting needs to our clients by:

Learn how KnowLedger™ can benefit your office